The Cost of US Trucking Today

In a recent report, Samuel Barradas highlighted key facts about rising costs of trucking fleets:

$1.38 – the average per mile operating cost for the trucking industry.

$180,000 – the average total yearly cost of operating a commercial truck.

Diesel fuel is the largest operating expense. A commercial truck can easily consume more than $70,000 of diesel fuel per year.

Driver Salary is the second-largest operating cost.

Repairs & Maintenance – issues with airline/hoses, alternators, wiring, and brakes are all common in commercial trucks.

Insurance – There are more than 9 different types of insurance policies for the industry. Multiple insurance policies can cause coverages to cost over $6,500 a year.

Tires – Retreading is less expensive than new tires and is a large portion of this cost. Although mere pennies per mile, an average tire can cost over $250 and annual tire expenses can exceed $4,000 ($0.03 per mile), enough to purchase 16 new tires annually, but still not enough to replace every tire of an 18-wheeler.

Permits, Licenses, and Tolls – Required permits and licenses for the industry and equipment, as well as continuous travel on toll roads.

Coffee – Truck stops sell more coffee than convenience stores. The average commercial truck driver spends more than $0.004 per mile on coffee, resulting in over $600 a year on coffee per industry driver.

addvantage. Compelling economics – and better for the environment.

addvantage reduces emissions and improves fuel efficiency. And in an industry where fully 40% of their operating costs are diesel, these savings deliver an improvement to a fleet’s margins that simply cannot be ignored.

In a nutshell…  addvantage uses patented retrofit technology to interpret data from the truck’s electronic controls to inject a precise amount of propane into the engine, creating more efficient combustion.

Test results for the performance of addvantage have been independently validated by Emissions Analytics. They are a leading independent global testing and data specialist for the scientific measurement of emissions and engine performance.

The results confirmed up to 17.6 % fuel efficiency improvement and a reduction in NOx by up to 83%

addvantage – the fuel-saving technology that delivers.

To find out more or to arrange a free demo please contact